Everyone’s commitment to Sustainable Tourism!

Here in Finale Ligure, we like to think that beauty is the result of concrete actions, of the care and attention of those who have gone before us. A beauty that is sustainability, and which we must, all together, continue to protect.

A choice that concerns each of us and a collective responsibility that we are proud to join.

As part of our commitment to respectful tourism, we have introduced some rules of coexistence to ensure that every visitor and resident, without distinction, can enjoy the city, respecting the environment and the community.

So that beauty and sustainability are not words, but our daily actions.

Walk your bike

Look out for cyclists

Turn light on before you go

Please be considerate of others

Stop at red light. Safety first!

Keep sidewalk free for pedestrians

Please ride in the right direction

Please respect and decency

Rispect nature

Please use bicycle racks provided

Please, pick up after your pet

Please do not litter

Keep the beach clean

No Camping

Counting on everyone’s cooperation, we would like to remind you that violation of these rules of conduct is punishable by a fine of up to €150.