The Finale area in a glimpse

The Finale  presents rich and heterogeneous archaeological and monumental heritage spread over an outstanding and unique landscape, which preserves evidence of prehistorical phases of international significance, placed in a distinctive geological context, characterized by the “Finale Stone” (“Pietra di Finale”). The Marquis Del Carretto family has a connection to medieval events and has been patrons of notable Renaissance architecture.

Although these environments hold great value and have been extensively studied,  they remain relatively unknown and inaccessible to both the local community and tourists visiting the Finale area..

Lungo i ponti romani
biblioteca di finale ligure

What is MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale?

The MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale  aims to  study, valorise and preserve the uniqueness of the cultural landscape of Finale, through sharing and promoting scientific knowledge of the area, as well as organizing and coordinating new ways to access and appreciate its archaeological, monumental, and natural heritage. We firmly believe that a greater understanding of the area will strengthen the sense of belonging and encourage a more conscious and attentive approach to its fragility.
Museo Archeologico del Finale (Archaeological Museum of Finale)
Chiostri di Santa Caterina

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